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These domes at Harbin Hot Springs in California
were artistically sculpted around EconOdome frame kits
supplied by Faze Change Produx. Ten hemispheres of three different sizes
and one small sphere were used to form the six spheres.
Watsu massage is taught at "the spheres" at Harbin Hot Springs.
The interior spaces may also be reserved by patrons.

Winding staircase within residential three story sphere.
The interior is sculpted using diamond metal lath and stucco.

Inside one of the classrooms on the second level.

3 spheres framed with 2x4 EconOdome frame kits
and covered with sculpted cement mortor over a diamond mesh base.

Have you ever seen anything like this?

Looking out from the spheroid above.

Spheres are connected via rebar and metal mesh.
The surface was shot with mortor
and finished the way a swimming pool is made.

Outdoor showers are located between two spheroids.

Wil at Faze Change Produx enjoys working with innovative architects
and builders to create new and exciting structures.
Contact with any questions.

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